Our Services
Retirement Planning
Providing the Luxury of Choice
Asking the Right Questions
Forbes Wealth Planning will collaborate with you and develop a complete solution to ensure that your retirement needs and aspirations become a reality. The sooner you start planning, the sooner you can remove the anxiety and replace it with a plan and peace of mind.
The longer the relationship, the more opportunity we have to add value along the way. We aim to place you in a position where YOU have the ability to choose when to retire.
We will help you to consider the answers to questions like:
When would you like to retire?
What lifestyle do you want in retirement?
When can you afford to retire?
When is the focus more on fun, and less on capital preservation?
How long will my savings last?
When do we discuss aged care?
When do you engage your family to ensure that your affairs are attended to if you are unable to make decisions?
Does my Will reflect my wishes?
Let Us Deal With Centrelink For You
If you’re ready for your Aged Pension, and need assistance in dealing with the onerous task of the Centrelink application process, we can help you! Come in and see us. We have the expertise and patience to remove the stress from you, explain the requirements and deal with them on your behalf.
Estate Planning
Estate planning should also remain a high priority at any stage of life, yet it is a common area of neglect. Failing to nominate a beneficiary for your superannuation fund, not putting an Enduring Power of Attorney in place, or updating your Will to reflect your current wishes can see anyone’s affairs in tatters. By discussing your requirements and acting a liaison when necessary with your Solicitor, we can ensure you have your affairs in order and protect your Estate.
Binding superannuation nominations prevent your superannuation from forming part of your Estate, meaning it cannot be contested like a Will. Enduring Powers of Attorney for example can permit a person to sell property, or alter investments on behalf of an incapacitated loved one if required.